If you would like us to email you the recipes for free all you have to do is email us first. drugsarelegal420@yahoo.com and tell us want you want to know how to make from home or anything else and we will email you back asap.....
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Getting High off of Cough Medicine:
-------------------Fun with DXM---------------------
DXM is a chemical found in many cough syrups, gel caps, cough drops and some tablets and capsules. It's effects will be much like Special K and PCP, you will feel sedation and euphoria. In other words, you can trip hard on it.
----------------Things to be remember---------------------
DXM products containing acetaminophen or guaifenesin should not be used recreationally. High doses of guaifenesin can cause vomiting, and high doses of acetaminophen can be fatal. Drixoral Cough and Fever contains acetaminopen, so don't use this brand! Use brands with Dextromethorphan as it's only active ingredient.
Some of the other ingredients you don't want:
Guastefin - An expectorant. This will often lead to nausea, vomiting or diahrrhea. If you can find a brand without it, I highly recommend it.
Acetemetophin - A pain reliever. Although it takes a dose closer to 50,000mg to be fatally toxic, this should also be avoided if possible. It will put a strain on your liver and prolonged use can permanently damage your liver.
Psudeoephedrine - A decongestant. Ephedrine acts much like methamphetamines. In addition to clearing out bronchial passageways, it is a stimulant and it is possible to OD on higher doses. This must be avoided if you have any sort of heart conditions.
Occasional gastrointestinal symptoms and skin reactions have been reported.
The large amount of glucose, thickeners, etc., present in many cough syrups may be hard on your kidneys and pancreas.
DXM is mildly addictive.
-------------Cough Medicines that have DXM----------------
When you buy any of the following products make sure it has Dextromethorphan in the ingredients.
Cough Syrup DXM: Found in Robitussin Max. Strength Cough (tussin max. strength works, too) or Vick's Formula 44. Take on an empty stomach or maybe eat some crackers or other carbohydrates, but no greasy food. (The best way to take cough syrup is to mix one part cough syrup and one part ginger ale and drink). Watch how much you take! You can OD on this stuff!
Gel Caps DXM: Found in Drixoral Cough Liquid Caps. You should crack open gel caps before swallowing. You need to take about 15 if they are 15mg. This way has less of an affect than cough syrup.
Tablets and Capsules DXM: Found in Coricidin Cough and Cold. 7 or 8 tabs. does the job just fine if they are 30mg. Take more if you don't feel anything within a hour.
Cough Drops DXM: Found in the brand Sucrets (the ones that come in a bag, not a tin). I would crush 14 to 15 cough drops and mix it with a glass of ginger ale. This way tastes the best but may case nausea!
Positive effects:
-mood lift -dissociation of mind from body -creative dreamlike experiences -visual and aural hallucinations -sadation
Neutral effects:
-pupil dilation
Negative effects:
-may cause upset stomach, vomiting -may cause tachycardia (racing, pounding heeart)
Avoid using DXM in combination with alcohol. Read the labels, avoid using cold remedies which contain tylenol or other medications in combination with DXM. Make sure the product contains only DXM as the active ingredient.
Effects at low dosage can be similar to alcohol producing carefree clumsiness with a touch of psychedelic and speedy effect. Intense and rhythmic music induces a state of euphoria and dancing becomes fun. On a higher dose imagination can become vividly experienced, feelings of dissociation from the body can occur and on very high doses profound alterations in consciousness.
-----------------How much to take--------------------
Normal Dose 150-350mg, you can take up to 1200mg without killing yourself.
It really depends on how much you take. There are four different kinds of experiences, based on the dosage that are called plateaus. The first plateau is a mild stimulant effect with a little bit of a buzz, and has been compared to Ecstasy. The second plateau is more intoxicating and has been compared to being drunk and stoned at the same time. The third plateau is dissociative, like a lower dose of ketamine. The fourth plateau is fully dissociative like a higher dose of ketamine (Special K).
You should not attempt higher plateau doses unless you have someone with you who can take care of you in case you get sick or freak out. Many things can happen unexpectedly on upper plateaus, such as spontaneous memory recall, complex delusions, hallucinations, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, and perceived contact with spirits or aliens. You need to be pretty stable and grounded before you can handle these things.
---------------Extracting DXM from Cough Syyrup--------------
This is if you want to get almost pure DXM.
The Agent Lemon process is a newer and in all honesty a much better method for extracting DXM. It takes less time, doesn't involve playing with flammable and toxic fumes, and doesn't require sodium hydroxide. Here is the Agent Lemon method:
The Mission: Extract DXM from cough syrups with materials and equipment that one could buy without any trouble at your nearest K-Mart.
The Materials: DXM-containing cough syrup. This process will probably produce a dangerous product if you use a syrup that contains any active ingredients other than DXM. Just use Robo Max. Cough. Ordinary Household ammmonia (clear, not lemon or some other scent) Lighter Fluid (I use a "Zippo". Make sure it evaporates with no residue.) Citric Acid. Available as a canning supply at your neighborhood supermarket. You can use lemon juice, but it's not recomended.
Some containers. Two large zipper-seal (Zip-Lock) plastic freezer bags.
What to do:
Prepare ahead of time a solution of the citric acid in water. For two bottles of syrup (8 oz each) use 3 tablespoons of citric acid in 8 fluid ounces of water. Add ammonia to syrup. DXM converts from hydrobromide salt to freebase and precipitates out of water. Since it is now nonpolar it wants to go into a nonpolar solvent. Now you add a nonpolar solvent (lighter fluid) and shake hard. Free base goes into solution in solvent. Let solvent float to the top. Physically separate the layers. Now the DXM is in the nonpolar layer, mix that with the acid and shake well. The DXM converts back into the acid salt (since lemon juice has citric acid in it, we make DXM hydrocitrate). This is so beautiful because the DXM is practically pulled across the oil-water interface by the hydrogen ion gradient. Now you throw out the oil layer, and the DXM is now acid salt in the lemon juice. Boil it for a few minutes in the microwave, stir it good, so any volatile solvent that remains will evaporate. You are left with "Agent Lemon" or "DXemon Aid", a highly concentrated product, which is superior to cough syrup -- if you really wanted to, you could probably boil away the water -- with no danger, since the amount of solvent is almost nothing, and get a crystalline product that might be cut with anhydrous citric acid. I wouldn't suggest it, since it might irritate the stomach.
How to make:
1. Put cough syrup in 2 liter bottle.
2. Pour in a lot of ammonia. Excess is not a serious problem. The ammonia volume should be about equal to the syrup volume. 3. Shake. 4. Pour into a tightly sealable vessel. A funnel is good to have. 5. Add about a 1/2 inch thick layer of lighter fluid. 6. Shake the hell out of the vessel for about five minutes. 7. Pour the liquid back into 2 liter. 8. Let the organic solvent layer separate, it wil float on top of the water. The way to separate the layers is with a separatory funnel, or the approximate version (a plastic bag). Pour the entire contents of the bottle into the sealable plastic bag, seal it, let the layers separate, clip off the bottom corner, and let the watery layer (on the bottom) drain out into the drain. Then let the organic layer drain into a jar. 9. If you want to minimize the amount of water-ammonia-cough syrup inactive ingredients, add more water, let separate and separate again. If you want you can do this as many times as it takes to get the ammonia taste out. 10. Now mix the solvent layer with the citric acid solution. 11. Transfer to a jar (like a Snapple or Nestea jar). 12. Really shake the hell out of it for 5 minutes. 13. It takes a few minutes to separate. Wait. 14. Or use a new plastic storage bag, and this time keep the water layer and discard the organic layer. 15. Boil the juice for a few minutes, the theory is that if a little bit of the organic solvent is there, it will boil away. 16. Drink the DXemon Aid. I have not deterimined the best method, I think you could mix it with something, or maybe drink it straight. It tastes really bitter (that's the DXM).
Getting High on motion sickness pills:
Yes, you can get high on motion sickness pills. They have Dimenhydrinate. This is a psychoactive drug if taken in really high doses. If you do it correct you will get really messed up on this. Have fun!
What to do: 1. Buy some 'Equate' motion sickness pills (any brand will do) 2. Take 12-17 pills, which should be 600-850mg. I have heard of people taking the whole bottle. 3. Wait about 1-2 hours before feeling the effects.
Getting High off of Pscyhoactive Toads (DMT):
---------------------Easy way to extract DMMT out of Toads------------------------
Yes, DMT! Dimethyltryptamine, which is just like LSD and 2 C-B. The feeling of doing DMT is as though one had been struck by LSD lightning. The ordinary world is almost instantaneously replaced, not only with a hallucination, but a hallucination whose alien character is its utter alienness. Nothing in this world can prepare one for the impressions that fill your mind when you enter the DMT sensorium.
-----------------How to extract the DMT-----------------------
You can aquire 5-MeO-DMT from special types of animals and plants, the easiest to get in from is in a species of toad. I will also tell you how to get it from a plant as well.
Species of toad you need: Bufo alvarius (Sonoran Desert or Colorodo River Toad), and only this. Or if you can't find this toad you may use a gorgonian Paramuricea chamaeleon. You will have to figure out how to get it's venom yourself. Note: Also if you can't find any of these species, your best hope is to do this extraction from a tree toad. Most tree toads have a type of venom that is also pscyhoactive. Warning: I would not try the tree toad way, unless you are sure that it's venom is not a deadly poison!
Where to get Bufo alvarrius toad (Sonoran Desert or Colorodo River Toad) vemon:
Collect two to four Bufo alvarius toads, any other toad will not work. You can find these at a pet store, ask the clerk. If they don't have them ask if they can order you a couple.
How to collect it's pscyhoactive (DMT) vemon:
Fresh venom can easily be collected without harm to the toad. Use a flat glass plate or any other smooth, nonporous surface at least 12-inches square. Hold the toad in front of the plate, which is fixed in a vertical position. In this manner, the venom can be collected on the glass plate, free of dirt and liquid released when the toad is handled. When you are ready to begin, hold the toad firmly with one hand and, with the thumb and forefinger of your other hand, squeeze near the base of the gland until the venom squirts out of the pores and onto the glass plate. Use this method to systematically collect the venom from each of the toad's granular glands: those on the forearm, those on the tibia and femur of the hind leg, and, of course, the parotids on the neck. Each gland can be squeezed a second time for an additional yield of venom if you allow the toad a one-hour rest preiod. After this the glands are empty and require four to to six weeks for regeneration. The venom is viscous and milky-white in color when first squeezed from the glands. It begins to dry within minutes and acquires the color and texture of rubber cement. Scrape the venom from the glass plate, dry it thoroughly, and store it in an airtight container until you are ready to smoke it.
Due to its bad taste you can mix it with a more fragrent smoking medium like tobacco, cloves, or marijuana.
----------------------Extracting DMT from MMantis Root Seeds----------------
How to get DMT from the mantis root seeds:
You go to a plant store and buy some Mantis Root seeds. When the plant is grown, you strip the roots of their bark and grind them up and make a tea. The chemical in it is DMT.
----------------------DMT Effects-----------------------
POSITIVE: -short duration -immersive experiences -intense open eye visuals and kaleidescopicc patterning -powerful "rushing" of sensation -radical perspective shifting -profound life-changing spiritual experiencces
NEUTRAL: -change in perception of time -auditory hallucination (buzzing) -colorshifting (for example red green and ggold coloring to the whole world)
NEGATIVE: -overly-intense experiences -hard on the lungs to smoke -slight stomach discomfort -difficulty integrating experiences -fast onset and intensity can lead to probllems if not prepared (dropped pipe, knocking things over, falling)
When smoked, DMT effects are shortlived and intense and the smoke is harsh and plastic tasting. Because of the quick onset, it's important to try to breathe the smoke in deeply. If you wait too long for a second hit, the effects may have already begun...and once they have, it's unlikely you'll have the opportunity to take another hit. Many people find the most effective method for smoking DMT is to use a glass pipe and inhale deeply. Often, the DMT melts and some of it remains behind in the pipe. This can be a problem if you load a full dose at a later date and unknowingly have an additional 20 mg left in the pipe. It is recommended that you prewarm the pipe. In theory, this will prevent the vaporized DMT from depositing on the cold glass of the pipe. Another recommendation is to put a second screen on top of the DMT so the flame doesn't burn the DMT (resulting in loss of material).
Making Hard Alcohol:
Have you ever ran out of alcohol and needed more? Well, you can make your own alcohol at home! Just like in the 1920's....well, easier now! Just follow my very simple instructions and in no time you will be making your own ture to god hard alcohol. Have fun and get drunk off your ass!
Note: The type of rubbing alcohol you need is getting harder to find. Though every supermarket should have it, they started to use isopropyl instead of ethanol which is a poison if you drink to much. Read the bottle before buying!
-------Items needed to make grape wine (10%% alcohol content):
1. Rubbing Alcohol that has ethanol or ether alcohol. It can't have isopropyl! 2. Grape juice 3. 5 tbs sugar 4. Empty wine bottle
How to make: 1. Fill the empty wine bottle with 1/10 full of rubbing alcohol (ethanol). 2. Fill the rest up (9/10) with sweet grape juice. 3. Add the sugar (Add more to taste). 3. Drink intil your drunk.
This really makes wine. It may not be the fine wine you can buy for 300 dollars, but do you want to get drunk or what?
Items needed to make hard alcohol (50% alcohol content):
1. Rubbing Alcohol that has ethanol or ether alcohol. Now, go down to the local wal-mart or some place like that and ask where the rubbing alcohol is. When you get the the rubbing alcohol section look on the back of every bottle looking for one that has ethanol or ether alcohol. If the bottle has anything else besides ethanol don't buy it. Don't buy rubbing alcohol that has iso-propyl!!! You might already have the stuff at home look in the medicine cabinet. Remember.....ETHANOL OR ETHER ALCOHOL ONLY!!!!!! Note: Ethanol is not dangerous to use. In fact ethanol is what is used in beer and liquer.
2. Distilled Water in a bottle (this is really cheap, but you can use tap water).
3. Empty wine bottle (You can use a plastic kool-aid container it really does not matter as long as it can hold liquid)
4. 1 tbs salt (This is for taste)
5. 6 tbs honey (This is for taste and the sugar) (Sugar makes the alcohol faster acting!)
6. You don't have to have step 4 or 5.
How to make:
1. Fill the wine bottle (or container) up 7/10th of the way with rubbing alcohol (ethanol).
2. Fill the bottle with (2/10) water.
3. Add salt and honey. (You don't have to have to add these...just makes the final product taste better)
4. Mix and store
5. You may now drink the liquid to get very Drunk!!!
Due to it's bad taste...like every hard drink. Make cocktails with this stuff...pretend it's whiskey.
Getting high on Poppie Seeds:
Get about 300g of poppy seeds from your good old supermarket (really cheap) and crush them. Add the crushed seeds to the juice of about 3 lemons in a bowl and let them soak for about 10 mins. Then add some warm water so that they are covered by about a couple of cm and again leave them for about 10 mins. Next, boil the liquid for about half a hour untill it is pretty gooey. Down the hatch. After about an hour the 'trip' starts and goes on for about 3-4 hours. The high comes in waves. It isn't like an acid trip, more euphoric. Have Fun.
Getting High off of Nutmeg:
All you do is look in your pantry and look for a bottle of whole or ground nutmeg. Then take a couple whole nutmegs or a couple teaspoons of ground nutmeg orally. If you don't feel anything in an hour or so double what you took. You know it's working when you feel drunk and high.
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Alphabetical Listing
A - LSD; amphetamine Abe - \\$5 worth of drugs Abe's cabe - \\$5 bill Abolic - veterinary steroid Acapulco gold - marijuana from S.W.Mexico Acapulco red - marijuana Ace - marijuana; PCP Acid - LSD Acid cube - sugar cube containing LSD Acid freak - heavy user of LSD Acid head - LSD user AD - PCP Adam - MDMA African black - marijuana African bush - marijuana African woodbine - marijuana cigarette Agonies - withdrawal symptoms Ah-pen-yen - opium Aimies - amphetamine; amyl nitrite AIP - heroin from Afghanistan, Iran, & Pakistan Air blast - inhalant Airhead - marijuana user Airplane - marijuana Alice B. Toklas - marijuana brownie All lit up - under the influence of drugs All star - user of multiple drugs All-American drug - cocaine Alpha-ET - alpha-ethyltyptamine Ames - amyl nitrite Amidone - methadone Amoeba - PCP Amp - amphetamine Amp joint - marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic Amped-out - fatigue after using amphetamines Amping - accelerated heartbeat AMT - dimethyltryptamine Amys - amyl nitrate Anadrol - oral steroid Anatrofin - injectable steroid Anavar - oral steroid Angel - PCP Angel dust - PCP Angel hair - PCP Angel mist - PCP Angel Poke - PCP Angie - cocaine Angola - marijuana Animal - LSD Animal tranq - PCP Animal tranquilizer - PCP Antifreeze - heroin Apache - fentanyl Apple jacks - crack Aries - heroin Aroma of men - isobutyl nitrite Artillery - equipment for injecting drugs Ashes - marijuana Astro turf - marijuana Atom bomb - marijuana and heroin Atshitshi - marijuana Aunt Hazel - heroin Aunt Mary - marijuana Aunt Nora - cocaine Aunti - opium Aunti Emma - opium Aurora borealis - PCP Author - a doctor who writes illegal prescriptions B - amount of marijuana to fill a matchbox B-bombs - amphetamines B-40 - cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor B.J.'s - crack Babe - drug used for detoxification Baby - marijuana Baby bhang - marijuana Baby habit - occasional use of drugs Babysit - guide someone through first drug experience Baby T - crack Backbreakers - LSD and strychnine Back door - residue left in a pipe Backjack - injecting opium Back to back - smoking crack after injecting heroin or heroin used after smoking crack Backtrack - allow blood to flow back into a needle during injection Backup - prepare vein for injection Backwards - depressant Bad bundle - inferior quality heroin Bad - crack Bad go - bad reaction to a drug Bad seed - peyote; heroin; marijuana Bag - container for drugs Bag bride - crack-smoking prostitute Bag man - person who transports money Bagging - using inhalant Bale - marijuana Ball - crack Balling - vaginally implanted cocaine Balloon - heroin supplier Ballot - heroin Bam - depressant; amphetamine Bambalacha - marijuana Bambs - depressant Bang - to inject a drug; inhalant Bank bandit pills - depressant Bar - marijuana Barb - depressant Barbies - depressant Barbs - cocaine Barrels - LSD Bart Simpson - heroin Base - cocaine; crack Baseball - crack Base crazies - searching on hands and knees for crack Base head - person who bases Bash - marijuana Basuco - cocaine; coca paste residue sprinkled on marijuana or regular cigarette Bathtub speed - methcathinone Batt - IV needle Battery acid - LSD Batu - smokable methamphetamine Bazooka - cocaine; crack; crack and tobacco combined in a joint Bazulco - cocaine Beam me up Scottie - crack dipped in PCP Beamer - crack user Beans - amphetamine; depressant; mescaline Beast - LSD Beat artist - person selling bogus drugs Beat vials - vials containing sham crack to cheat buyers Beautiful boulders - crack Bevis & Butthead - LSD Bebe - crack Bedbugs - fellow addicts Beedies - cigarettes from India (resemble marijuana joints/vehicles for other drugs) Beemers - crack Behind the scale - to weigh and sell cocaine Beiging - chemicals altering cocaine to make it appear a higher purity Belladonna - PCP Belt - effects of drugs Belushi - cocaine and heroin Belyando spruce - marijuana Bender - drug party Bennie - amphetamine Bens - amphetamine Benz - amphetamine Benzedrine - amphetamine Bernice - cocaine Bernie - cocaine Bernie's flakes - cocaine Bernie's gold dust - cocaine Bhang - marijuana, Indian term Big bag - heroin Big bloke - cocaine Big C - cocaine Big 8 - 1/8 kilogram of crack Big D - LSD Big H - heroin Big Harry - heroin Big flake - cocaine Big man - drug supplier Big O - opium Big rush - cocaine Bill Blass - crack Billie hoke - cocaine Bikers coffee - methamphetamine and coffee Bindle - small packet of drug powder; heroin Bing - enough of a drug for one injection Bingers - crack addicts Bingo - to inject a drug Bings - crack Biphetamine - amphetamine Bird head - LSD Birdie powder - heroin; cocaine Biscuit - 50 rocks of crack Bite one's lips - to smoke marijuana Biz - bag or portion of drugs Black - opium; marijuana Black acid - LSD; LSD and PCP Black and white - amphetamine Black bart - marijuana Black beauties - depressant; amphetamine Black birds - amphetamine Black bombers - amphetamine Black dust - PCP Black ganga - marijuana resin Black gold - high potency marijuana Black gungi - marijuana from India Black gunion - marijuana Black hash - opium and hashish Black mo/black moat - highly potent marijuana Black mollies - amphetamine Black mote - marijuana mixed with honey Black pearl - heroin Black pill - opium pill Black rock - crack Black Russian - hashish mixed with opium Black star - LSD Black stuff - heroin Black sunshine - LSD Black tabs - LSD Black tar - heroin Black whack - PCP Blacks - amphetamine Blanco - heroin Blanket - marijuana cigarette Blanks - low quality drugs Blast - to smoke marijuana; to smoke crack Blast a joint - to smoke marijuana Blast a roach - to smoke marijuana Blast a stick - to smoke marijuana Blasted - under the influence of drugs Blizzard - white cloud in a pipe used to smoke cocaine Block - marijuana Block busters - depressant Blonde - marijuana Blotter - LSD; cocaine Blotter acid - LSD Blotter cube - LSD Blow - cocaine; to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana Blow a fix - injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin blow a shot - injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin blow the vein - injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin Blow a stick - to smoke marijuana Blow blue - to inhale cocaine Blowcaine - crack diluted with cocaine Blow coke - to inhale cocaine Blow one's roof - to smoke marijuana Blow smoke - to inhale cocaine Blowing smoke - marijuana Blowout - crack Blow up - crack cut with lidocaine to increase size, weight, and street value Blows - herion Blue - depressant; crack Blue acid - LSD Blue angels - depressant Blue barrels - LSD Blue birds - depressant Blue boy - amphetamine Blue bullets - depressant Blue caps - mescaline Blue chairs - LSD Blue cheers - LSD Blue de hue - marijuana from Vietnam Blue devil - depressant Blue dolls - depressant Blue heaven - LSD Blue heavens - depressant Blud madman - PCP Blue microdot - LSD Blue mist - LSD Blue moons - LSD Blue sage - marijuana Blue sky blond - high potency marijuana from Columbia Blue tips - depressant Blue vials - LSD Blunt - marijuana inside a cigar; marijuana and cocaine inside a cigar Bo - marijuana Bo-bo - marijuana Boat - PCP Bobo - crack Bobo bush - marijuana Body packer - person who ingests crack or cocaine to transport it Body stuffer - person who ingests crack vials to avoid prosecution Bogart a joint - salivate on a marijuana cigarette; refuse to share Bohd - marijuana; PCP Bolasterone - injectable steroid Bolivian marching powder - cocaine Bolo - crack Bolt - isobutyl nitrite Bomb - crack; heroin; large marijuana cigarette; high potency heroin Bomb squad - crack-selling crew Bomber - marijuana cigarette Bombido - injectable amphetamine; heroin; depressant Bombita - amphetamine; heroin; depressant Bombs away - heroin Bone - marijuana; \\$50 piece of crack Bonecrusher - crack Bones - crack Bong - pipe used to smoke marijuana Bonita - heroin Boo - marijuana Boom - marijuana Boomers - psilocybin/psilocin Boost - to inject a drug; to steal Boost and shoot - steal to support a habit Booster - to inhale cocaine Boot - to inject a drug Boot the gong - to smoke marijuana Booted - under the influence of drugs Boppers - amyl nitrite Botray - crack Bottles - crack vials; amphetamine Boubou - crack Boulder - crack; \\$20 worth of crack Boulya - crack Bouncing powder - cocaine Boxed - in jail Boy - heroin Bozo - heroin Brain damage - heroin Brain ticklers - amphetamine Breakdowns - \\$40 crack rock sold for $20 Break night - staying up all night until day break Brewery - place where drugs are made Brick - 1 kilogram of marijuana; crack Brick gum - heroin Bridge up or bring up - ready a vein for injection Britton - peyote Broccoli - marijuana Broker - go-between in a drug deal Bromo - 2C-B Brown - heroin; marijuana Brown bombers - LSD Brown crystal - heroin Brown dots - LSD Brown rhine - heroin Brown sugar - heroin Brownies - amphetamine Browns - amphetamine Bubble gum - cocaine; crack Buck - shoot someone in the head Bud - marijuana Buda - a high-grade marijuana joint filled with crack Buffer - crack smoker; a woman who exchanges oral sex for crack Bugged - annoyed; to be covered with sores and abscesses from repeated use of unsterile needles Bull - narcotics agent or police officer Bullet - isobutyl nitrite Bullet bolt - inhalant Bullia capital - crack Bullion - crack Bullyon - marijuana Bumblebees - amphetamine Bummer trip - unsettling and threatening experience from PCP intoxication Bump - crack; fake crack; boost a high; hit of ketamine (\\$20) Bundle - heroin Bunk - fake cocaine Burese - cocaine Burn one - to smoke marijuana Burn the main line - to inject a drug Burned - purchase fake drugs Burned out - collapse of veins from repeated injection permanent impairment from drug abuse Burnese - cocaine Burnie - marijuana Burnout - heavy abuser of drugs Bush - cocaine; marijuana Businessman's LSD - dimethyltryptamine Businessman's trip - dimethyltryptamine Businessman's special - dimethyltryptamine Busted - arrested Busters - depressant Busy bee - PCP Butt naked - PCP Butter - marijuana; crack Butter flower - marijuana Buttons - mescaline Butu - heroin Buzz - under the influence of drugs Buzz bomb - nitrous oxide C - cocaine C joint - place where cocaine is sold C & M - cocaine and morphine C.S. - marijuana C-dust - cocaine C-game - cocaine Caballo - heroin Cabello - cocaine Caca - heroin Cactus - mescaline Cactus buttons - mescaline Cactus head - mescaline Cad/Cadillac - 1 ounce Cadillac - PCP Cadillac express - methcathinone Cakes - round discs of crack Caine - cocaine; crack California cornflakes - cocaine California sunshine - LSD Cam trip - high potency marijuana Cambodian red/Cam red - marijuana from Cambodia Came - cocaine Can - marijuana; 1 ounce Canadian black - marijuana Canamo - marijuana Canappa - marijuana Cancelled stick - marijuana cigarette Candy - cocaine; crack; depressant; amphetamine Candy C - cocaine Candy flipping - combining or sequencing LSD with MDMA Cannabinol - PCP Cannabis tea - marijuana Cap - crack; LSD Caps - crack Cap up - transfer bulk form drugs to capsules Capital H - heroin Caps - heroin; psilocybin/psilocin Carburetor - crack stem attachment Carga - heroin Carmabis - marijuana Carne - heroin Carnie - cocaine Carpet patrol - crack smokers searching the floor for crack Carrie - cocaine Carrie Nation - cocaine Cartucho - package of marijuana cigarettes Cartwheels - amphetamine Casper the ghost - crack Cat - methcathinone Cat valium - ketamine Catnip - marijuana cigarette Caviar - crack Cavite all star - marijuana Cecil - cocaine Cest - marijuana Chalk - methamphetamine; amphetamine Chalked up - under the influence of cocaine Chalking - chemically altering the color of cocaine so it looks white Chandoo/chandu - opium Channel - vein into which a drug is injected Channel swimmer - one who injects heroin Charas - marijuana from India Charge - marijuana Charged up - under the influence of drugs Charley - heroin Charlie - cocaine Chase - to smoke cocaine; to smoke marijuana Chaser - compulsive crack user Chasing the dragon - crack and heroin Chasing the tiger - to smoke heroin Cheap basing - crack Check - personal supply of drugs Cheeba - marijuana Cheeo - marijuana Chemical - crack Chewies - crack Chiba chiba - high potency marijuana from Columbia Chicago black - marijuana, term from Chicago Chicago green - marijuana Chicken powder - amphetamine Chicken scratch - searching on hands and knees for crack Chicle - heroin Chief - LSD; mescaline Chieva - heroin China cat - high potency heroin China girl - fentanyl China town - fentanyl China White - fentanyl Chinese molasses - opium Chinese red - heroin Chinese tobacco - opium Chip - heroin Chipper - occasional Hispanic user Chipping - using drugs occasionally Chippy - cocaine Chira - marijuana Chiva - heroin Chocolate - opium; amphetamine Chocolate chips - LSD Chocolate ecstasy - crack madebrown by adding chocolate milk powder during production Choe - cocaine Cholly - cocaine Chorals - depressant Christina - amphetamine Christmas rolls - depressant Christmas tree - marijuana; depressant; amphetamine Chronic - marijuana; marijuana mixed with crack Chucks - hunger following withdrawal from heroin Churus - marijuana Chystal methadrine - amphetamine Cid - LSD Cigarette paper - packet of heroin Cigarrode cristal - PCP Citrol - high potency marijuana, from Nepal CJ - PCP Clarity - MDMA Clear up - stop drug use Clicker - crack and PCP Cliffhanger - PCP Climax - crack; isobutyl nitrite; heroin Climb - marijuana cigarette Clips - rows of vials heat-sealed together Clocking paper - profits from selling drugs Closet baser - user of crack who prefers anonymity Cloud - crack Cloud nine - crack Cluck - crack smoker Co-pilot - amphetamine Coasting - under the influence of drugs Coasts to coasts - amphetamine Coca - cocaine Cocaine blues - depression after extended cocaine use Cochornis - marijuana Cocktail - cigarette laced with cocaine or crack; partially smoked marijuana cigarette inserted in regular cigarette Cocoa puff - to smoke cocaine and marijuana Coconut - cocaine Coco rocks - dark brown crack made by adding chocolate pudding during production Coco snow - benzocaine used as cutting agent for crack Cod - large amount of money Coffee - LSD Coke - cocaine; crack Coke bar - bar where cocaine is openly used Cola - cocaine Cold turkey - sudden withdrawal from drugs Coli - marijuana Coliflor tostao - marijuana Colorado cocktail - marijuana Columbian - marijuana Columbo - PCP Columbus black - marijuana Comeback - benzocaine and mannitol used to adulterate cocaine for conversion to crack Come home - end a "trip" from LSD Conductor - LSD Connect - purchase drugs; supplier of illegal drugs Contact lens - LSD Cook - mix heroin with water; heating heroin to prepare it for injection Cook down - process in which users liquify heroin in order to inhale it Cooker - to inject a drug Cookies - crack Coolie - cigarette laced with cocaine Cooler - cigarette laced with a drug Cop - obtain drugs Copping zones - specific areas where buyers can purchase drugs Coral - depressant Coriander seeds - cash Corine - cocaine Cork the air - to inhale cocaine Corrinne - cocaine Cosa - marijuana Cotics - heroin Coties - codeine Cotton - currency Cotton brothers - cocaine, heroin and morphine Courage pills - heroin; depressant Course note - bill larger than \\$2 Cozmo's - PCP Crack - cocaine Crack attack - craving for crack Crack back - crack and marijuana Crack cooler - crack soaked in wine cooler Crack kits - glass pipe and copper mesh Cracker jacks - crack smokers Crackers - LSD Crack gallery - place where crack is bought and sold Crack spot - area where people can purchase crack Crank - methamphetamine; amphetamine; methcathinone Cranking up - to inject a drug Crankster - person who uses or manufactures methamphetamine Crap/crop - low quality heroin Crash - sleep off effects of drugs Crazy coke - PCP Crazy Eddie - PCP Crazy weed - marijuana Credit card - crack stem Crib - crack Crimmie - cigarette laced with crack Crink - methamphetamine Cripple - marijuana cigarette Cris - methamphetamine Crisscross - amphetamine Criss-crossing - the practice of setting up a line of cocaine nect to a line of heroin. The user places a straw in each nostril and snorts about half a line each. Then the straws are crossed and the remaining lines are snorted. Cristina - methamphetamine Cristy - smokable methamphetamine Croak - crack and methamphetamine Cross tops - amphetamine Crossroads - amphetamine Crown crap - heroin Crumbs - tiny pieces of crack Crunch & Munch - crack Cruz - opium from Veracruz, Mexico Crying weed - marijuana Crypto - methamphetamine Crystal - methamphetamine; PCP; amphetamine; cocaine Crystal joint - PCP Crystal meth - methamphetamine Cystal T - PCP Crystal tea - LSD Cube - 1 ounce; LSD Cubes - marijuana tablets Culican - high potency marijuana from Mexico Cupcakes - LSD Cura - heroin Cushion - vein into which a drug is injected Cut - adulterate drugs Cut-deck - heroin mixed with powdered milk Cycline - PCP Cyclones - PCP
D - LSD, PCP Dabble - use drugs occasionally Dagga - marijuana Dama blanca - cocaine Dance fever - fentanyl Dawamesk - marijuana Dead on arrival - heroin Debs - amphetamine Decadence - MDMA Deca-duabolin - injectable steroid Deck - 1 to 15 grams of heroin, also known as a bag; packet of drugs Deeda - LSD Delatestryl - injectable steroid Demo - crack stem; a sample-size quantity of crack Demolish - crack Dep-testosterone - injectable steroid DET - dimethyltryptamine Detroit pink - PCP Deuce - \\$2 worth of drugs; heroin Devil's dandruff - crack Devil's dick - crack pipe Devil's dust - PCP Devilsmoke - crack Dew - marijuana Dews - \\$10 worth of drugs Dex - amphetamine Dexedrine - amphetamine Dexies - amphetamine Diablito - combination of crack cocaine and marijuana in a joint Diambista - marijuana Diamonds - amphetamine Dianabol - veterinary steroid Dice - crack cocaine Diesel - heroin Diet pills - amphetamine Dihydrolone - injectable steroid Dimba - marijuana from West Africa Dime - crack; \\$10 worth of crack Dime bag - \\$10 worth of drugs Dime special - crack cocaine Dime's worth - amount of heroin to cause death Ding - marijuana Dinkie dow - marijuana Dinosaurs - populations of heroin users in their forties or fifties Dip - crack Dipper - PCP Dipping out - crack runners taking a portion of crack from vials Dirt - heroin Dirt grass - inferior quality marijuana Dirty basing - crack Dirty joints - combination of crack cocaine and marijuana Disco biscuits - depressant Disease - drug of choice Ditch - marijuana Ditch weed - marijuana inferior quality, Mexican Djamba - marijuana DMT - Dimethyltryptamine Do a joint - to smoke marijuana Do a line - to inhale cocaine Do it Jack - PCP DOA - PCP; crack Doctor - MDMA Dog - good friend Dog food - heroin Dogie - heroin Dollar - \\$100 worth of drugs Dolls - depressant Domes - LSD Domestic - locally grown marijuana Domex - PCP and MDMA Dominoes - amphetamine Don jem - marijuana Dona Juana - marijuana Dona Juanita - marijuana Doobee - marijuana Doobie/dubbe/duby - marijuana Doogie/doojee/dugie - heroin Dooley - heroin Dope - heroin; marijuana; any other drug Dope fiend - crack addict Dope smoke - to smoke marijuana Dopium - opium Doradilla - marijuana Dors and 4's - combination of Doriden and Tyenol 4 Dots - LSD Doub - \\$20 rock of crack Double breasted dealing - dealing cocaine and heroin together Double bubble - cocaine Double cross - amphetamine Double dome - LSD Double rock - crack diluted with procaine Double trouble - depressant Double up - when a crack dealerdelivers an extra rock as a marketing ploy to attract customers Double ups - a \\$20 rock that can be broken into two $20 rocks Double yoke - crack Dove - \\$35 piece of crack Dover's powder - opium Downer - depressant Downie - depressant Draf weed - marijuana Drag weed - marijuana Draw up - to inject a drug Dream - cocaine Dream gum - opium Dream stick - opium Dreamer - morphine Dreams - opium Dreck - heroin Drink - PCP Drivers - amphetamine Dropper - to inject a drug Drowsy high - depressant Dry high - marijuana Dub - when a crack dealer delivers an extra rock as a marketing ploy to attract customers Dube - marijuana Duby - marijuana Duct - cocaine 'Due - residue of oils trapped in a pipe after smoking base Duji - heroin Dummy dust - PCP Durabolin - injectable steroid Durog - marijuana Duros - marijuana Dust - heroin; cocaine; PCP; marijuana mixed with various chemicals Dust joint - PCP Dust of angels - PCP Dusted parsley - PCP Dusting - adding PCP, heroin, or another drug to marijuana Dymethzine - injectable steroid Dynamite - heroin and cocaine Dyno - heroin Dyno-pure - heroin Earth - marijuana cigarette Easing powder - opium Eastside player - crack Easy score - obtaining drugs easily Eating - taking a drug orally Ecstasy - MDMA Egg - crack Eight ball - 1/8 ounce of drugs Eightball - crack and heroin Eighth - heroin El diablito - marijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP El diablo - marijuana, cocaine and heroin Electric Kool Aid - LSD Elephant - PCP Elephant tranquilizer - PCP Elvis - LSD Embalming fluid - PCP Emergency gun - instrument used to inject other than syringe Emsel - morphine Endo - marijuana Energizer - PCP Enoltestovis - injectable steroid Ephedrone - methcathinone Equipose - veterinary steroid Erth - PCP Esra - marijuana Essence - MDMA Estuffa - heroin ET - alpha-ethyltyptamine Eve - MDEA Explorers club - group of LSD users Eye opener - crack; amphetamine Factory - place where drugs are packaged, diluted, or manufactured Fake STP - PCP Fall - arrested Fallbrook redhair - marijuana, term from Fallbrook, CA Famous dimes - crack Fastin - amphetamine Fantasia - dimethyltryptamine Fat bags - crack Fatty - marijuana cigarette Feed bag - container for marijuana Felix the Cat - LSD Ferry dust - heroin Fi-do-nie - opium Fields - LSD Fiend - someone who smokes marijuana alone Fifteen cents - \\$15 worth of drugs Fifty-one - crack Finajet/finaject - veterinary steroid Fine stuff - marijuana Finger - marijuana cigarette Finger lid - marijuana Fir - marijuana Fire - to inject a drug; crack and methamphetamine Fire it up - to smoke marijuana First line - morphine Fish scales - crack Five cent bag - \\$5 worth of drugs Five C note - \\$500 bill Five dollar bag - \\$50 worth of drugs Fives - amphetamine Fix - to inject a drug Fizzies - methadone Flag - appearance of blood in the vein Flake - cocaine Flakes - PCP Flame cooking - smoking cocaine base by putting the pipe over a stove flame Flamethrowers - cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin Flash - LSD Flat blues - LSD Flat chunks - crack cut with benzocaine Flea powder - low purity heroin Florida snow - cocaine Flower - marijuana Flower tops - marijuana Fly Mexican airlines - to smoke marijuana Flying - under the influence of drugs Following that cloud - searching for drugs Foo foo stuff - heroin; cocaine Foo-foo dust - cocaine Foolish powder - heroin; cocaine Footballs - amphetamine Forget pill - Rohypnol Forget me drug - Rohypnol 45 Minute Psychosis - Dimethyltryptamine Forwards - amphetamine Fraho/frajo - marijuana Freebase - smoking cocaine; crack Freeze - cocaine; renege on a drug deal French blue - amphetamine French fries - crack Fresh - PCP Friend - fentanyl Fries - crack Frios - marijuana laced with PCP Frisco special - cocaine, heroin and LSD Frisco speedball - cocaine, heroin and LSD Friskie powder - cocaine Fry - crack Fry daddy - crack and marijuana; cigarette laced with crack Fu - marijuana Fuel - marijuana mixed with insecticides; PCP Fuete - hypodermic needle Fuma D'Angola - marijuana Portugese term
G - \\$1000 or 1 gram of drugs; term for an unfamiliar male G.B. - depressant GHB - gamma hydroxy butyrate G-rock - one gram of rock cocaine G-shot - small dose of drugs used to hold off withdrawal symptoms until full dose can be taken Gaffel - fake cocaine Gaffus - hypodermic needle Gage/gauge - marijuana Gagers - methcathinone Gaggers - methcathinone Galloping horse - heroin Gamot - heroin Gange - marijuana Gangster - marijuana Gangster pills - depressant Ganja - marijuana from Jamaica Gank - fake crack Garbage - inferior quality drugs Garbage heads - users who buy crack from street dealers instead of cooking it themselves Garbage rock - crack Gash - marijuana Gasper - marijuana cigarette Gasper stick - marijuana cigarette Gato - heroin Gauge butt - marijuana Gee - opium Geek - crack and marijuana Geek joints - cigarettes or cigars filled with tobacco and crack Geeker - crack user Geeze - to inhale cocaine Geezer - to inject a drug Geezin a bit of dee gee - injecting a drug Georgia home boy - gamma hydroxy butyrate George smack - heroin Get a gage up - to smoke marijuana Get a gift - obtain drugs Get down - to inject a drug Get high - to smoke marijuana Get lifted - under the influence of drugs Get off - to inject a drug; get "high" Get off houses - private places heroin users can purchase & use heroin for a fee Get the wind - to smoke marijuana Get through - obtain drugs Getting roached - using Rohypnol Ghana - marijuana Ghost - LSD Ghost busting - smoking cocaine; searching for white particles in the belief that they are crack Gick monster - crack smoker Gift-of-the-sun - cocaine Giggle smoke - marijuana Giggle weed - marijuana Gimmick - drug injection equipment Gimmie - crack and marijuana Gin - cocaine Girl - cocaine; crack; heroin Girlfriend - cocaine Giro houses - non-bank financial institutions frequently usedby drug traffickers to launder drug proceeds Give wings - inject someone or teach someone to inject heroin Glacines - heroin Glad stuff - cocaine Glading - using inhalant Glass - hypodermic needle; amphetamine Glass gun - hypodermic needle Glo - crack Gluey - person who sniffs glue Go - amphetamines Go-fast - methcathinone Go into a sewer - to inject a drug Go loco - to smoke marijuana Go on a sleigh ride - to inhale cocaine Goblet of jam - marijuana God's flesh - psilocybin/psilocin God's medicine - opium God's drug - morphine Gold - marijuana; crack Gold dust - cocaine Gold star - marijuana Golden - marijuana Golden Dragon - LSD Golden girl - heroin Golden leaf - very high quality marijuana Golf ball - crack Golf balls - depressant Golpe - heroin Goma - opium; black tar heroin Gondola - opium Gong - marijuana; opium Gonj - marijuana Goob - methcathinone Good - PCP Good and plenty - heroin Good butt - marijuana cigarette Good giggles - marijuana Good go - proper amount of drugs for the money paid Good H - heroin Good lick - good drugs Goodfellas - fentanyl Goody-goody - marijuana Goof butt - marijuana cigarette Goofball - cocaine and heroin; depressant Goofers - depressant Goofy's - LSD Goon - PCP Goon dust - PCP Gopher - person paid to pickup drugs Goric - opium Gorilla tab - PCP Gorilla biscuits - PCP Gorilla pills - depressant Got it going on - fast sale of drugs Graduate - completely stop using drugs or progress to
stronger drugs Gram - hashish Grape parfait - LSD Grass - marijuana Grass brownies - marijuana Grasshopper - marijuana Grata - marijuana Gravel - crack Gravy - to inject a drug; heroin Grease - currency Great bear - fentanyl Great tobacco - opium Green - inferior quality marijuana; PCP; ketamine Green buds - marijuana Green double domes - LSD Green dragons - depressant Green frog - depressant Green goddess - marijuana Green gold - cocaine Green goods - paper currency Green leaves - PCP Green single domes - LSD Green tea - PCP Green wedge - LSD Greens/green stuff - paper currency Greenies - amphetamine Greeter - marijuana Greta - marijuana Grey shields - LSD Griefo - marijuana Griefs - marijuana Grievous bodily harm - GHB Grifa - marijuana Griff - marijuana Griffa - marijuana Griffo - marijuana Grit - crack Groceries - crack Ground control - guide or caretaker during a hallucinogenic experience Gum - opium Guma - opium Gun - to inject a drug; needle Gunga - marijuana Gungeon - marijuana Gungun - marijuana Gunja - marijuana Gutter - vein into which a drug is injected Gutter junkie - addict who relies on others to obtain drugs Gyve - marijuana cigarette
H - heroin H & C - heroin and cocaine H Caps - heroin Hache - heroin Hail - crack Haircut - marijuana Hairy - heroin Half - 1/2 ounce Half-a-C - \\$50 bill Half a football field - 50 rocks of crack Half G - \\$500 Half load - 15 bags (decks) of heroin Half moon - peyote Half piece - 1/2 ounce of heroin or cocaine Half track - crack Hamburger helper - crack Hand-to-hand - direct delivery and payment Hand-to-hand man - transient dealers who carry small amounts of crack Hanhich - marijuana Hanyak - smokable speed Happy cigarette - marijuana cigarette Happy dust - cocaine Happy powder - cocaine Happy sticks - PCP Happy trails - cocaine Hard candy - heroin Hard line - crack Hard rock - crack Hard stuff - opium; heroin Hardware - isobutyl nitrite Harry - heroin Harsh - marijuana Hats - LSD Has - marijuana Have a dust - cocaine Haven dust - cocaine Hawaiin - very high potency marijuana Hawaiian sunshine - LSD Hawk - LSD Hay - marijuana Hay butt - marijuana cigarette Haze - LSD Hazel - heroin HCP - PCP Head drugs - amphetamine Headlights - LSD Heart-on - inhalant Hearts - amphetamine Heaven and Hell - PCP Heaven dust - heroin; cocaine Heavenly blue - LSD Heeled - having plenty of money Helen - heroin Hell dust - heroin He-man - fentanyl Hemp - marijuana Henpicking - searching on hands and knees for crack Henry - heroin Henry VIII - cocaine Her - cocaine Herb - marijuana Herb and Al - marijuana and alcohol Herba - marijuana Herms - PCP Hero - heroin Hero of the underworld - heroin Heroina - heroin Herone - heroin Hessle - heroin Highbeams - the wide eyes of a person on crack Hikori - peyote Hikuli - peyote Him - heroin Hinkley - PCP Hippie crack - inhalant Hiropon - smokable methamphetamine Hit - crack; marijuana cigarette; to smoke marijuana Hit the hay - to smoke marijuana Hit the house - house where users go to shoot up and leave the the owner drugs as payment Hit the main line - to inject a drug Hit the needle - to inject a drug Hit the pit - to inject a drug Hitch up the reindeers - to inhale cocaine Hitter - little pipe designed for only one hit Hitting up - injecting drugs Hocus - opium; marijuana Hog - PCP Holding - possessing drugs Hombre - heroin Hombrecitos - psilocybin Homegrown - marijuana Honey - currency Honey blunts - Marijuana cigars sealed with honey Honey oil - ketamine; inhalant Honeymoon - early stages of drug use before addiction or dependency develops Hong-yen - heroin in pill form Hooch - marijuana Hooked - addicted Hooter - cocaine; marijuana Hop/hops - opium Hopped up - under the influence of drugs Horn - to inhale cocaine; crack pipe Horning - heroin; to inhale cocaine Horse - heroin Horse heads - amphetamine Horse tracks - PCP Horse tranquilizer - PCP Hot dope - heroin Hot heroin - poisoned to give to a police informant Hot ice - smokable methamphetamine Hot load/hot shot - lethal injection of an opiate Hot rolling - liquefying methamphetamine in an eye dropper and then inhaling it Hot stick - marijuana cigarette Hotcakes - crack House fee - money paid to enter a crackhouse House piece - crack given to the owner of a crackhouse or apartment where crack users congregate How do you like me now? - crack Hows - morphine HRN - heroin Hubba - crack Hubba, I am back - crack Hubba pigeon - crack user looking for rocks on a floor after a police raid Hubbas - crack, term from Northern CA Huff - inhalant Huffer - inhalant abuser Hulling - using others to get drugs Hunter - cocaine Hustle - attempt to obtain drug customers Hyatari - peyote Hydro - amphetamine Hype - heroin addict; an addict Hype stick - hypodermic needle
I am back - crack Iboga - amphetamine Ice - cocaine; methamphetamine; smokeable amphetamine; MDMA, PCP Ice cream habit - occasional use of drugs Ice cube - crack Icing - cocaine Idiot pills - depressant Ill - PCP Illies - beedies dipped in PCP Illy momo - PCP In - connected with drug suppliers Inbetweens - depressant; amphetamine Inca message - cocaine Indian boy - marijuana Indian hay - marijuana from India Indica - species of cannabis, found in hot climate, grows 3.5 to 4 feet Indian hemp - marijuana Indica - species of cannabis, found in hot climate, grows 3.5 to 4 feet Indo - marijuana, term from Northern CA Indonesian bud - marijuana; opium Instaga - marijuana Instagu - marijuana Instant zen - LSD Interplanetary mission - travel from one crackhouse to another in search of crack Isda - heroin Issues - crack J - marijuana cigarette Jab/job - to inject a drug Jack - steal someone else's drugs Jackpot - fentanyl Jack-Up - to inject a drug Jag - keep a high going Jam - amphetamine; cocaine Jam cecil - amphetamine Jamaican gold - marijuana Jane - marijuana Jay smoke - marijuana Jay - marijuana cigarette Jee gee - heroin Jefferson airplane - used match cut in half to hold a partially smoked marijuana cigarette Jellies - depressant Jelly - cocaine Jelly baby - amphetamine Jelly bean - amphetamine; depressant Jelly beans - crack Jet - ketamine Jet fuel - PCP Jim Jones - marijuana laced with cocaine and PCP Jive - heroin; marijuana; drugs Jive doo jee - heroin Jive stick - marijuana Johnson - crack Joint - marijuana cigarette Jojee - heroin Jolly bean - amphetamine Jolly green - marijuana Jolly pop - casual user of heroin Jolt - to inject a drug; strong reaction to drugs Jones - heroin Jonesing - need for drugs Joy flakes - heroin Joy juice - depressant Joy plant - opium Joy pop - to inject a drug Joy popping - occasional use of drugs Joy powder - heroin; cocaine Joy smoke - marijuana Joy stick - marijuana cigarette Ju-ju - marijuana cigarette Juan Valdez - marijuana Juanita - marijuana Juggle - sell drugs to another addict to support a habit Juggler - teen-aged street dealer Jugs - amphetamine Juice - steroids, PCP Juice joint - marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack Juja - marijuana Jum - sealed plastic bag containing crack Jumbos - large vials of crack sold on the streets Junk - cocaine; heroin Junkie - addict Junkie kits - glass pipe and copper mesh
K - PCP Kabayo - heroin Kabuki - crack pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and a rubber sparkplug cover Kaksonjae - smokable methamphetamine Kali - marijuana Kansas grass - marijuana Kangaroo - crack Kaps - PCP Karachi - heroin Kate bush - marijuana Kaya - marijuana K-blast - PCP Kee - marijuana Kentucky blue - marijuana Key - marijuana KGB (killer green bud) - marijuana K-hole - periods of ketamine-induced confusion Khat - amphetamine; methcathinone Ki - marijuana Kibbles & Bits - small crumbs of crack Kick - getting off a drug habit; inhalant Kick stick - marijuana cigarette Kiddie dope - prescription drugs Kiff - marijuana Killer - marijuana; PCP Killer green bud - marijuana Killer joints - PCP Killer weed (1980s) - marijuana and PCP Killer weed (1960s) - marijuana Kilo - 2.2 pounds Kilter - marijuana Kind - marijuana King bud - marijuana King ivory - fentanyl King Kong pills - depressant King's habit - cocaine Kissing - the exchange of plastic wrapped rocks (crack) by kissing or mouth to mouth transfer Kit - equipment used to inject drugs KJ - PCP Kleenex - MDMA Klingons - crack addicts Kokomo - crack Koller joints - PCP Kools - PCP Kryptonite - crack Krystal - PCP Krystal joint - PCP Kumba - marijuana KW - PCP L - LSD L.A. - long-acting amphetamine L.A. glass - smokable methamphetamine L.A. ice - smokable methamphetamine L.L. - marijuana Lace - cocaine and marijuana Lady - cocaine Lady caine - cocaine Lady snow - cocaine Lakbay diva - marijuana Lamborghini - crack pipe made from plastic rum bottle and a rubber sparkplug cover Las mujercitas - psilocybin Lason sa daga - LSD Late night - cocaine Laugh and scratch - to inject a drug Laughing gas - nitrous oxide Laughing grass - marijuana Laughing weed - marijuana Lay back - depressant Lay-out - equipment for taking drugs LBJ - LSD; PCP; heroin Leaky bolla - PCP Leaky leak - PCP Leaf - marijuana; cocaine Leapers - amphetamine Leaping - under the influence of drugs Legal speed - over the counter asthma drug; trate name = Mini thin Lemon 714 - PCP Lemon drop - methamphetamine with a dull yellow tint Lemonade - heroin; poor quality drugs Lenos - PCP Lens - LSD Lethal weapon - PCP Lettuce - money Lib (Librium) - depressant Lid - 1 ounce of marijuana Lid proppers - amphetamine Light stuff - marijuana Lightning - amphetamine Lima - marijuana Lime acid - LSD Line - cocaine Lipton Tea - inferior quality drugs Liquid ecstasty - GHB Lit up - under the influence of drugs Little bomb - amphetamine; heroin; depressant Little ones - PCP Little smoke - marijuana; psilocybin/psilocin Live ones - PCP Llesca - marijuana Load - 25 bags of heroin Loaded - high Loaf - marijuana Lobo - marijuana Locker room - isobutyl nitrite Loco - marijuana Locoweed - marijuana Log - PCP; marijuana cigarette Logor - LSD Loony toons - LSD Loused - covered by sores and abscesses from repeated use of unsterile needles Love - crack Love affair - cocaine Love boat - marijuana dipped in formaldehyde; PCP; blunts mixed with marijuana and heroin Love drug - MDMA; depressant Love pearls - alpha-ethyltyptamine Love pills - alpha-ethyltyptamine Love trip - MDMA and mescaline Love weed - marijuana Lovelies - marijuana laced with PCP Lovely - PCP LSD - lysergic acid diethylamide Lubage - marijuana Lucy in the sky with diamonds - LSD Ludes - depressant Luding out - depressant Luds - depressant Lunch money drugs - rohypnol
M - marijuana; morphine M.J. - marijuana M.O. - marijuana M.S. - morphine M.U. - marijuana M&M - depressant Machinery - marijuana Macon - marijuana Maconha - marijuana Madman - PCP Mad dog - PCP Magic - PCP Magic dust - PCP Magic mushroom - psilocybin/psilocin Magic smoke - marijuana Main line - to inject a drug Mainliner - person who injects into the vein Make up - need to find more drugs Mama coca - cocaine Manhattan silver - marijuana MAO - amphetamine Marathons - amphetamine Mari - marijuana cigarette Marshmallow reds - depressant Mary - marijuana Mary and Johnny - marijuana Mary Ann - marijuana Mary Jane - marijuana Mary Jonas - marijuana Mary Warner - marijuana Mary Weaver - marijuana Maserati - crack pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and rubber sparkplug cover Matchbox - 1/4 ounce of marijuana or 6 marijuana cigarettes Matsakow - heroin Maui wauie - marijuana from Hawaii Max - gamma hydroxy butyrate dissolved in water and mixed with amphetamines Maxibolin - oral steroid Mayo - cocaine; heroin MDM - MDMA MDMA - methylenedioxy-methamphetamine Mean green - PCP Medusa - inhalant Meg - marijuana Megg - marijuana cigarette Meggie - marijuana Mellow yellow - LSD Merchandise - drugs Merck - cocaine Merk - cocaine Mesc - mescaline Mescal - mescaline Mese - mescaline Messorole - marijuana Meth - methamphetamine Meth head - regular user of methamphetamine Meth monster - person who has a violent reaction to methamphetamine Meth speed ball - methamphetamine combined with heroin Methatriol - injectable steroid Methedrine - amphetamine Methlies Quik - amphetamines Methyltestosterone - oral steroid Mexican brown - heroin; marijuana Mexican crack - methamphetamine with the appearance of crack Mexican green - marijuana Mexican horse - heroin Mexican locoweed - marijuana Mexican mud - heroin Mexican mushroom - psilocybin/psilocin Mexican red - marijuana Mexican reds - depressant Mexican valiums - rohypnol Mezc - mescaline Mickey Finn - depressant Mickey's - depressant Microdot - LSD Midnight oil - opium Mighty Quinn - LSD Mighty Joe Young - depressant Mighty mezz - marijuana cigarette Mind detergent - LSD Mini beans - amphetamine Minibennie - amphetamine Mint leaf - PCP Mint weed - PCP Mira - opium Miss - to inject a drug Miss Emma - morphine Missile basing - crack liquid and PCP Mission - trip out of the crackhouse to obtain crack Mist - PCP; crack smoke Mister blue - morphine Mixed jive - crack cocaine Modams - marijuana Mohasky - marijuana Mojo - cocaine; heroin Monkey - drug dependency; cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco Monkey dust - PCP Monkey tranquilizer - PCP Monoamine oxidase - amphetamine Monos - cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco Monte - marijuana from South America Mooca/moocah - marijuana Moon - mescaline Moon gas - inhalant Moonrock - crack and heroin Mooster - marijuana Moota/mutah - marijuana Mooters - marijuana cigarette Mootie - marijuana Mootos - marijuana Mor a grifa - marijuana More - PCP Morf - morphine Morning shoot - amphetamine Morning wake-up - first blast of crack from the pipe Morotgara - heroin Morpho - morphine Mortal combat - high potency heroin Mosquitos - cocaine Mota/moto - marijuana Mother - marijuana Mother's little helper - depressant Mouth worker - one who takes drugs orally Movie star drug - cocaine Mow the grass - to smoke marijuana Mu - marijuana Mud - opium; heroin Muggie - marijuana Muggles - marijuana Mujer - cocaine Mule - carrier of drugs Murder one - heroin and cocaine Murder 8 - fentanyl Mushrooms - psilocybin/psilocin Musk - psilocybin/psilocin Muta - marijuana Mutha - marijuana Muzzle - heroin
Nail - marijuana cigarette Nailed - arrested Nanoo - heroin Nebbies - depressant Nemmies - depressant New acid - PCP New addition - crack cocaine New magic - PCP New Jack Swing - heroin and morphine Nexus - 2C-B Nice and easy - heroin Nickel bag - \\$5 worth of drugs; heroin Nickel deck - heroin Nickel note - \\$5 bill Nickelonians - crack addicts Niebla - PCP Nigra - marijuana Nimbies - depressant Nineteen - amphetamine Nix - stranger among the group Nod - effects of heroin Noise - heroin Nontoucher - crack user who doesn't want affection during or after smoking crack Nose - heroin Nose candy - cocaine Nose drops - liquified heroin Nose stuff - cocaine Nose powder - cocaine Nubs - peyote Nugget - amphetamine Nuggets - marijuana/high quality marijuana Number - marijuana cigarette Number 3 - cocaine, heroin Number 4 - heroin Number 8 - heroin O - opium O.J. - marijuana O.P. - opium O.P.P. - PCP Octane - PCP laced with gasoline Ogoy - heroin Oil - heroin, PCP Old Steve - heroin On a mission - searching for crack On a trip - under the influence of drugs On ice - in jail On the bricks - walking the streets On the nod - under the influence of narcotics or depressant One and one - to inhale cocaine One box tissue - one ounce of crack One on one house - where cocaine and heroin can be purchased One-fifty-one - crack One plus one sales - selling cocaine and heroin together One way - LSD Oolies - marijuana cigarettes laced with crack Ope - opium Optical illusions - LSD Orange barrels - LSD Orange crystal - PCP Orange cubes - LSD Orange haze - LSD Orange micro - LSD Orange wedges - LSD Oranges - amphetamine Outerlimits - crack and LSD Owsley - LSD Owsley's acid - LSD Oyster stew - cocaine Oz - inhalant Ozone - PCP
P - peyote, PCP PCP - phencyclidine PCPA - PCP P.R. (Panama Red) - marijuana P-dope - 20-30% pure heroin P-funk - heroin; crack and PCP Pack - heroin; marijuana Pack a bowl - marijuana Pack of rocks - marijuana cigarette Pakalolo - marijuana Pakistani black - marijuana Panama cut - marijuana Panama gold - marijuana Panama red - marijuana Panatella - large marijuana cigarette Panckes and syrup - Combination of glutethimide and codeine cough syrup Pane - LSD Pangonadalot - heroin Panic - drugs not available Paper - a dosage unit of heroin Paper acid - LSD Paper bag - container for drugs Paper blunts - marijuana within a paper casing rather than a tobacco leaf casing Paper boy - heroin peddler Parabolin - veterinary steroid Parachute - crack and PCP smoked; heroin Paradise - cocaine Paradise white - cocaine Parlay - crack Parsley - marijuana, PCP Paste - crack Pat - marijuana Patico - crack (Spanish) Paz - PCP Peace - LSD, PCP Peace pill - PCP Peace tablets - LSD Peace weed - PCP Peaches - amphetamine Peanut - depressant Peanut butter - PCP mixed with peanut butter Pearl - cocaine Pearls - amyl nitrite Pearly gates - LSD Pebbles - crack Peddlar - drug supplier Pee Wee - crack; \\$5 worth of crack Peep - PCP Peg - heroin Pellets - LSD Pen yan - opium Pep pills - amphetamine Pepsi habit - occasional use of drugs Perfect High - heroin Perico - cocaine Perlas - street dealer (heroin) Perp - fake crack made of candle wax and baking soda Peter Pan - PCP Peth - depressant Peruvian - cocaine Peruvian flake - cocaine Peruvian lady - cocaine Peyote - mescaline Phennies - depressant Phenos - depressant Pianoing - using the fingers to find lost crack Piece - 1 ounce; cocaine; crack Piedras - crack (Spanish) Pig Killer - PCP Piles - crack Pimp - cocaine Pimp your pipe - lending or renting your crack pipe Pin - marijuana Pin gon - opium Pin yen - opium Ping-in-wing - to inject a drug Pingus - rohypnol Pink blotters - LSD Pink hearts - amphetamine Pink ladies - depressant Pink Panther - LSD Pink robots - LSD Pink wedge - LSD Pink witches - LSD Pipe - crack pipe; marijuana pipe; vein into which a drug is injected; mix drugs with other substances Pipero - crack user Pit - PCP Pixies - amphetamine Plant - hiding place for drugs Pocket rocket - marijuana Pod - marijuana Poison - heroin; fentanyl Point - a needle Poke - marijuana Pole - mixture of heroin and motion sickness drug Pollutants - amphetamine Polvo - heroin; PCP Polvo blanco - cocaine Polvo de angel - PCP Polvo de estrellas - PCP Pony - crack Poor man's pot - inhalant Pop - to inhale cocaine Poppers - isobutyl nitrite; amyl nitrite Poppy - heroin Pot - marijuana Potato - LSD Potato chips - crack cut with benzocaine Potlikker - marijuana Potten bush - marijuana Powder - heroin; amphetamine Powder diamonds - cocaine Power puller - rubber piece attached to crack stem Pox - opium Predator - heroin Prescription - marijuana cigarette Press - cocaine; crack Pretendica - marijuana Pretendo - marijuana Primo - crack; marijuana mixed with crack Primobolan - injectable and oral steroid Primos - cigarettes laced with cocaine and heroin Proviron - oral steroid Pseudocaine - phenylpropanolamine, an adulterant for cutting crack Puff the dragon - to smoke marijuana Puffer - crack smoker Puffy - PCP Pulborn - heroin Pullers - crack users who pull at parts of their bodies excessively Pumping - selling crack Pure - heroin Pure love - LSD Purple - ketamine Purple barrels - LSD Purple haze - LSD Purple hearts - LSD; amphetamine; depressant Purple flats - LSD Purple ozoline - LSD Purple rain - PCP Push - sell drugs Push shorts - to cheat or sell short amounts Pusher - one who sells drugs; metal hanger or umbrella - rod used to scrape residue in crack stems
Q - depressant Qat - methcathinone Quad - depressant Quarter - 1/4 ounce or \\$25 worth of drugs Quarter bag - \\$25 worth of drugs Quarter moon - hashish Quarter piece - 1/4 ounce Quartz - smokable speed Quas - depressant Queen Ann's lace - marijuana Quicksilver - isobutyl nitrite Quill - methamphetamine; heroin; cocaine Quinolone - injectable steroid R2 - Rohypnol Racehorse charlie - cocaine; heroin Ragweed - inferior quality marijuana; heroin Railroad weed - marijuana Rainbow - LSD Rainbows - depressant Rainy day woman - marijuana Rambo - heroin Rane - cocaine; heroin Rangood - marijuana grown wild Rap - criminally charged; to talk with someone Raspberry - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack Rasta weed - marijuana Raw - crack Raw fusion - heroin Raw hide - heroin Rave - party designed to enhance a hallucinogenic experience through music and behavior Razed - under the influence of drugs Ready rock - cocaine; crack; heroin Recompress - change the shape of cocaine flakes to resemble "rock" Recycle - LSD Red - under the influence of drugs Red and blue - depressant Red bullets - depressant Red bud - marijuana Red caps - crack Red cross - marijuana Red chicken - heroin Red devil - depressant, PCP Red dirt - marijuana Reds - depressant Red eagle - heroin Red lips - LSD Red phosphorus - smokable speed Redneck cocaine - methamphetamine Reefer - marijuana Regular P - crack Reindeer dust - heroin Rest in peace - crack cocaine Reynolds - rohypnol Rhine - heroin Rhythm - amphetamine Rib - rohypnol Riding the wave - under the influence of drugs Rig - equipment used to inject drugs Righteous bush - marijuana Ringer - good hit of crack Rip - marijuana Rippers - amphetamine Roach - butt of marijuana cigarette Roach clip - holds partially smoked marijuana cigarette Roaches - rohypnol Road dope - amphetamine Roapies - rohypnol Roasting - smoking marijuana Robutal - rohypnol Roca - crack (Spanish) Rochas dos - rohypnol Roche - Rophynol; (see "roofies") Rock attack - crack Rock house - place where crack is sold and smoked Rock(s) - cocaine; crack Rocket caps - dome-shaped caps on crack vials Rocket fuel - PCP Rockets - marijuana cigarette Rockette - female who uses crack Rocks of hell - crack Rock star - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack Rocky III - crack Roid rage - aggressive behavior caused by excessive steroid use Roller - to inject a drug Rollers - police Rolling - MDMA Roofies - Rophynol; a sedative that makes users feel very drunk Rooster - crack Root - marijuana Rope - marijuana Rophies - rohypnol Rophy - rohypnol Roples - rophynol Rosa - amphetamine Rose marie - marijuana Roses - amphetamine Rough stuff - marijuana Rox - crack Roxanne - cocaine; crack Row-shay - rohypnol Royal blues - LSD Roz - crack Ruderalis - species of cannabis, found in Russia, grows 1 to 2.5 feet Ruffies - Rophynol Ruffles - Rophynol Runners - people who sell drugs for others Running - MDMA Rush - isobutyl nitrite Rush snappers - isobutyl nitrite Russian sickles - LSD
Sack - heroin Sacrament - LSD Sacre mushroom - psilocybin Salt - heroin Salt and pepper - marijuana Sam - federal narcotics agent Sancocho - to steal (Spanish) Sandoz - LSD Sandwich - two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin in the middle Santa Marta - marijuana Sasfras - marijuana Satan's secret - inhalant Satch - papers, letter, cards, clothing, etc., saturated with drug solution (used to smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals) Satch cotton - fabric used to filter a solution of narcotics before injection Sativa - species of cannabis, found in cool, damp climate, grows up to 18 feet Scaffle - PCP Scag - heroin Scat - heroin Scate - heroin Schmeck - cocaine Schoolboy - cocaine, codeine Schoolcraft - crack Scissors - marijuana Scooby snacks - MDMA Scoop - GHB Score - purchase drugs Scorpion - cocaine Scott - heroin Scottie - cocaine Scotty - cocaine; crack; the high from crack Scramble - crack Scrape and snort - to share crack by scraping off small pieces for snorting Scratch - money Scruples - crack Scuffle - PCP Seccy - depressant Second to none - heroin Seeds - marijuana Seggy - depressant Sen - marijuana Seni - peyote Serial speedballing - sequencing cocaine, cough syrup, and heroin over a 1-2 day period Sernyl - PCP Serpico 21 - cocaine Server - crack dealer Sess - marijuana Set - place where drugs are sold Sevenup - cocaine; crack Sewer - vein into which a drug is injected Sezz - marijuana Shabu - ice Shake - marijuana Shaker/baker/water - materials needed to freebase cocaine; shaker bottle, baking soda, water Sharps - needles She - cocaine Sheets - PCP Sheet rocking - crack and LSD Shermans - PCP Sherm sticks - PCP Sherms - PCP; crack Sh*t - heroin Shmeck/schmeek - heroin Shoot - heroin Shoot/shoot up - to inject a drug Shoot the breeze - nitrous oxide Shooting gallery - place where drugs are used Shot - to inject a drug Shot down - under the influence of drugs Shrooms - psilocybin/psilocin Siddi - marijuana Sightball - crack Silly Putty - psilocybin/psilocin Simple Simon - psilocybin/ psilocin Sinse - marijuana Sinsemilla - potent variety marijuana Sixty-two - 2 1/2 ounces of crack Skee - opium Skeegers/skeezers - crack-smoking prostitute Sketching - coming down from a speed induced high Skid - heroin Skied - under the influence of drugs Skin popping - injecting drugs under the skin Skuffle - PCP Skunk - marijuana Slab - crack Slam - to inject a drug Slammin'/Slamming - amphetamine Slanging - selling drugs Sleeper - heroin; depressant Sleet - crack Sleigh ride - cocaine Slick superspeed - methcathinone Slime - heroin Smack - heroin Smears - LSD Smoking - PCP Smoke - heroin and crack; crack; marijuana Smoke a bowl - marijuana Smoke Canada - marijuana Smoke-out - under the influence of drugs Smoking gun - heroin and cocaine Snap - amphetamine Snappers - isobutyl nitrite Sniff - to inhale cocaine; inhalant; methcathinone Sniffer bags - \\$5 bag of heroin intended for inhalation Snop - marijuana Snort - to inhale cocaine; use inhalant Snorts - PCP Snot - residue produced from smoking amphetamine Snot balls - rubber cement rolled into balls and burned Snow - cocaine; heroin; amphetamine Snowball - cocaine and heroin Snow bird - cocaine Snowcones - cocaine Snow pallets - amphetamine Snow seals - cocaine and amphetamine Snow soke - crack Snow white - cocaine Soap dope - methamphetamine with a pinkish rose tint Society high - cocaine Soda - injectable cocaine used in Hispanic communities Softballs - depressant Soles - hashish Soma - PCP Somali - methcathinone Somatomax - GHB Sopers - depressant Spaceball - PCP used with crack Space base - crack dipped in PCP; hollowed out cigar refilled with PCP and crack Space cadet - crack dipped in PCP Space dust - crack dipped in PCP Space ship - glass pipe used to smoke crack Spark it up - to smoke marijuana Sparkle plenty - amphetamine Sparklers - amphetamine Special "K" - ketamine Special la coke - ketamine Speed - methamphetamine; amphetamine; crack Speedball - methylphenidate (ritalin) mixed with heroin Speedballs-nose style - the practice of snorting cocaine Speed boat - marijuana, PCP, crack Speed freak - habitual user of methamphetamine Speed for lovers - MDMA Speedball - heroin and cocaine; amphetamine Spider blue - heroin Spike - to inject a drug; needle Spivias - amphetamines Splash - amphetamine Spliff - marijuana cigarette Splim - marijuana Split - half and half or to leave Splivins - amphetamine Spoon - 1/16 ounce of heroin;paraphernalia used to prepare heroin for injection Spores - PCP Sporting - to inhale cocaine Spray - inhalant Sprung - person just starting to use drugs Square mackerel - marijuana, term from Florida Square time Bob - crack Squirrel - smoking cocaine, marijuana and PCP; LSD Stack - marijuana Stacking - taking steroids with a prescription Star - methcathinone Stardust - cocaine, PCP Star-spangled powder - cocaine Stash - place to hide drugs Stash areas - drug storage and distribution areas Stat - Methcathinone Steerer - person who directs customers to spots for buying crack Stem - cylinder used to smoke crack Stems - marijuana Step on - dilute drugs Stick - marijuana, PCP Stink weed - marijuana Stoned - under the influence of drugs Stones - crack Stoppers - depressant Stove top - crystal methamphetamine STP - PCP Straw - marijuana cigarette Strawberries - depressant Strawberry - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack; LSD Strawberry fields - LSD Strung out - heavily addicted to drugs Stuff - heroin Stumbler - depressant Sugar - cocaine; LSD; heroin Sugar block - crack Sugar cubes - LSD Sugar lumps - LSD Sugar weed - marijuana Sunshine - LSD Super - PCP Super acid - ketamine Super C - ketamine Super Grass - PCP Super ice - smokable methamphetamine Super joint - PCP Super kools - PCP Super weed - PCP Supergrass - marijuana Superman - LSD Surfer - PCP Sweet Jesus - heroin Sweet Lucy - marijuana Sweet stuff - heroin; cocaine Sweets - amphetamine Swell up - crack Swishers - cigars in which tobacco is replaced with marijuana synthetic cocaine - PCP Synthetic THT - PCP
T - cocaine; marijuana T.N.T. - heroin; fentanyl Tabs - LSD Tail lights - LSD Taima - marijuana Taking a cruise - PCP Takkouri - marijuana Tango & Cash - fentanyl Tar - opium; heroin Tardust - cocaine Taste - heroin; small sample of drugs Taxing - price paid to enter a crackhouse; charging more per vial depending on race of customer or if not a regular customer T-buzz - PCP Tea - marijuana, PCP Tea party - to smoke marijuana Teardrops - dosage units of crack packaged in the cut-off corners of plastic bags Tecate - heroin Tecatos - Hispanic heroin addicts Teenage - 1/16 gram of methamphetamine Teeth - cocaine; crack Tension - crack Tex-mex - marijuana Texas pot - marijuana Texas tea - marijuana Thai sticks - bundles of marijuana soaked in hashish oil; marijuana buds bound on short sections of bamboo THC - tetrahydrocannabinol The beast - heroin The C - methcathinone The devil - crack The witch - heroin Therobolin - injectable steroid Thing - heroin; cocaine; main drug interest at the moment Thirst monsters - heavy crack smokers Thirteen - marijuana Thoroughbred - drug dealer who sells pure narcotics Thrust - isobutyl nitrite Thrusters - amphetamine Thumb - marijuana Tic - PCP in powder form Tic tac - PCP Ticket - LSD Tie - to inject a drug Tin - container for marijuana Tish - PCP Tissue - crack Titch - PCP Toilet water - inhalant Toke - to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana Toke up - to smoke marijuana Toncho - octane booster which is inhaled Tooles - depressant Tools - equipment used for injecting drugs Toot - cocaine; to inhale cocaine Tooties - depressant Tootsie roll - heroin Top gun - crack Topi - mescaline Tops - peyote Torch - marijuana Torch cooking - smoking cocaine base by using a propane or butane torch as a source of flame Torch up - to smoke marijuana Torpedo - crack and marijuana Toss up - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack Totally spent - MDMA hangover Toucher - user of crack who wants affection before, during, or after smoking crack Tout - person who introduces buyers to sellers Toxy - opium Toys - opium TR-6s - amphetamine Track - to inject a drug Tracks - row of needle marks on a person Tragic magic - crack dipped in PCP Trails - LSD induced perception that moving objects leave multiple images or trails behind them Trank - PCP Tranq - depressant Trap - hiding place for drugs Trays - bunches of vials Travel agent - LSD supplier Trip - LSD; alpha-ethyltyptamine Troop - crack Trophobolene - injectable steroid Truck drivers - amphetamine TT1 - PCP TT2 - PCP TT3 - PCP Tuie - depressant Turbo - crack and marijuana Turf - place where drugs are sold Turkey - cocaine; amphetamine Turnabout - amphetamine Turned on - introduced to drugs; under the influence Tutti-frutti - flavored cocaine developed by a Brazillian gang Tweak mission - on a mission to find crack Tweaker - crack user looking for rocks on the floor after a police raid Tweaking - drug-induced paranoia; peaking on speed Tweek - methamphetamine-like substance Tweeker - methcathinone Twenty - \\$20 rock of crack Twenty-five - LSD Twist - marijuana cigarette Twists - small plastic bags of heroin secured with a twist tie Twistum - marijuana cigarette Two for nine - two \\$5 vials or bags of crack for $9 2-for-1 sale - a marketing scheme designed to promote and increase crack sales Ultimate - crack Uncle - Federal agents Uncle Milty - depressant Unkie - morphine Up against the stem - addicted to smoking marijuana Uppers - amphetamine Uppies - amphetamine Ups and downs - depressant Utopiates - hallucinogens Uzi - crack; crack pipe
V - the depressant Valium Vega - a cigar wrapping refilled with marijuana Viper's weed - marijuana Vodka acid - LSD Wac - PCP on marijuana Wack - PCP Wacky weed - marijuana Wake ups - amphetamine Wasted - under the influence of drugs; murdered Water - methamphetamine, PCP Wave - crack Wedding bells - LSD Wedge - LSD Weed - marijuana, PCP Weed tea - marijuana Weightless - high on crack West coast - methlylphenidate (ritalin) West coast turnarounds - amphetamine Wet - blunts mixed with marijuana and PCP Whack - PCP and heroin Wheat - marijuana When-shee - opium Whicked - heroin Whippets - nitrous oxide White - amphetamine White ball - crack White boy - heroin White cloud - crack smoke White cross - methamphetamine; amphetamine White dust - LSD White ghost - crack White girl - cocaine; heroin White-haired lady - marijuana White horizon - PCP White horse - cocaine White junk - heroin White lady - cocaine; heroin White lightning - LSD White mosquito - cocaine White nurse - heroin White Owsley's - LSD White powder - cocaine; PCP White stuff - heroin White sugar - crack White tornado - crack Whiteout - isobutyl nitrite Whites - amphetamine Whiz bang - cocaine and heroin Wild cat - methcathinone and cocaine Window glass - LSD Window pane - LSD Wings - heroin; cocaine Winstrol - oral steroid Winstrol V - veterinary steroid Witch - heroin; cocaine Witch hazel - heroin Wobble weed - PCP Wolf - PCP Wollie - rocks of crack rolled into a marijuana cigarette Wonder star - methcathinone Woolah - a hollowed out cigar refilled with marijuana and crack Woolas - cigarette laced with cocaine; marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack Woolies - marijuana amd crack or PCP Wooly blunts - Marijuana and crack or PCP Working - selling crack Working half - crack rock weighing half gram or more Works - equipment for injecting drugs Worm - PCP Wrecking crew - crack X - marijuana; MDMA; amphetamine X-ing - MDMA XTC - MDMA Yahoo/yeaho - crack Yale - crack Yeh - marijuana Yellow - LSD; depressant Yellow bam - methamphetamine Yellow bullets - depressant Yellow dimples - LSD Yellow fever - PCP Yellow jackets - depressant Yellow submarine - marijuana Yellow sunshine - LSD Yen pop - marijuana Yen Shee Suey - opium wine Yen sleep - restless, drowsy state after LSD use Yerba - marijuana Yerba mala - PCP and marijuana Yesca - marijuana Yesco - marijuana Yeyo - cocaine, Spanish term Yimyom - crack Ying Yang - LSD Z - 1 ounce of heroin Zacatecas purple - marijuana from Mexico Zambi - marijuana Zen - LSD Zero - opium Zig Zag man - LSD; marijuana; marijuana rolling papers Zip - cocaine Zol - marijuana cigarette Zombie - PCP; heavy user of drugs Zombie weed - PCP Zooie - holds butt of marijuana cigarette Zoom - PCP; marijuana laced with PCP Zoomers - individuals who sell fake crack and then flee